Eleonora Vulpiani (2023)'Eleonora', Portrait of A. ScarlatWith the 'Musicians of the King's Road' Orchestra, Turku, FinlandWith the luthier G. ParrinelloWith the 'Musicians of the King's Road' Orchestra, Salo, FinlandWith the 'Musicians of the King's Road' Orchestra, Salo, FinlandAccademia di Spagna, RomaPalazzo Vidoni, RomaWith the soprano E. Majeron, Accademia di Spagna, RomaWith the controtenore R. F. Bitar, Chiesa di Santa Marta, RomaWith the controtenore R. F. Bitar, Chiesa di Santa Marta, RomaWith the soprano F. R. Iorio, Accademia Angelica Costantiniana, RomaPièce teatraleWith the soprano M. Colonna, Arco di Giano, RomaConference-Concert at the CNSMDP (Paris Conservatory)With the M° O. Chassain (Conservatorio di Parigi)With the luthier A. Bieber (Paris)Study of the luthier G. Parrinello on the Pleyel lyre at the Music Museum, Cité de la Musique, ParisWith the Maestri G. Balestra and M. Torta, XXII International Guitar Festival, UdineWith the Soprano Elisabetta Majeron, XXII International Guitar Festival, Udine'Stiftelsen Musikkulturens Främjande', Stockholm MuseumCrawford Art Municipal Gallery, Cork, IrelandWith the luthier G. Parrinello (Roma)With the luthier G. ParrinelloInterview for RSI-Rete Due (by Sergio Albertoni and Valerio Corzani)