Copy by G. Parrinello (original by G. Fabricatore, 1809)Copy by G. Parrinello (original by I. Pleyel, 1809)Decorations (of the copy)Laboratory of luthier Gerardo ParrinelloPons fils, Lyre à Colonnes, c. 1805Lyre à Palmes, c. 1800Apollo-lyre, Museum of Fine Arts, BostonLyre Mareschal(?) Dame à la lyre, c. 1820F. Goya, Marquise de Santa Cruz, 1810C. J. F. Soulacroix (1825-1829), After the ConcertC. J. F. Soulacroix (1825-1829), Catherine La RoseJ. C. Ruicklake, The Coppenrath family in a boating party, 1807F. Andreotti (1847-1930), The ConcertJ. D. Ingres, The Luciano Bonaparte's Family, 1815W. J. Mahler, Ludwig Van Beethoven, 1804Romany Adele (1769-1846), Portrait of Mrs. Jean Dominique Fabry